Life at Ashram

Over a decade in existence, Satyachetana Ashram remains little known in the outside world. It is a small ashram with a grand vision. It serves as a laboratory where individuals strive to realize Divine, and receive meticulous explanation and guidance on how to manifest Divine in life. It is a place where seers and enlightened beings can experiment with mother nature’s forces of prakriti to find out how the highest principles can be manifested.

The ashram does not cater to the needs of those in pursuit of self-realization, god-realization, siddhis, psychic ecstasies or spiritual romance. Ashramites here are sincerely striving yogis who live neither for fame nor recognition, nor the accumulation of spiritual power. Every ashramite is doing sadhana for the universal in man without ignoring their individual realization.

Ashram Routine

“When we subject our self to ashram discipline, ashram lifestyle, our nature undergoes transformation.” – Swami Sri Atmananda

4:30 AM – Rising bell
5:00 AM – Morning chanting
5:45 – 6:15AM – Pranayam and meditation
7:00 AM – Guru puja
7:45 – 8:30 AM – Breakfast
10:30 AM –  Invocation
11:45 – 12:45 PM – Lunch
6:00 PM – Evening meditation
7:15 – 7:45 PM – Dinner
8:15 PM – Farewell chanting

Interactions are frequently held at the ashram: one type of interaction is with Swamiji or any visiting master and usually occurs in the morning; the other is by ashramites sitting in the evenings for interactive workshops on sadhana-related concepts. Swamiji’s interactions happen regularly and cover Bhagavad Gita, Veda, and other scriptures.

“Sadhana is nothing but complete conscious awareness and just to bring that conscious awareness we are doing all these things, right from morning five o’clock till night nine o’clock. All the activity in Ashram is tuned just to bring this into focus, to make you conscious of your goal, your role, your reaction, your responsibility and your response through action.”   –   Swami Sri Atmananda

Ashram Guidelines

As long as one is staying at the ashram, it is sincerely believed that one is pursuing the path of yoga. To maintain the spiritual vibration and facilitate sadhana, the following guidelines are observed:

1. Life at Satyachetana Ashram is meant for sadhana towards individual realization and the universal manifestation of Truth. All those who stay at the ashram should always be conscious of this goal.

2. To facilitate your sadhana, please remain focused on your goal. Observe your own system without being preoccupied with others.

3. Different categories of seekers in this ashram exist at different levels of spiritual attainment. One should not imitate others nor advise others to do sadhana as per one’s own instruction.

4. Read, contemplate and meditate on the Gita as much as possible.

5. Keep all conversations yogic in nature. Silence is always welcome. Conversation that is unrelated to sadhana may be held outside campus.

6. It is in your best interest not to invite anyone to your room nor to enter another’s room. This allows you a place to regain and maintain your conscious awareness.

7. Be punctual for all ashram programs.

8. Any help in the daily care, maintenance and work at the ashram is welcome. Rendering service to the ashram is a sacred seva, or service, and also contributes toward the transformation of your individual system. Ask senior ashramites how you may contribute.

9. All ashramites, movement members, guests and visitors are expected to faithfully follow Ashram guidelines.


Satyachetana Ashram does not receive government grants or funding from any organization. Usually the initiated members and inmates who visit the ashram also maintain it. Donations are not solicited from people who are not linked with ashram life. Every donation to ashram is treated as an offering. One should contact the Guest Relation Department to give any offering to the ashram.